Join us for a bike ride at Corn Creek.
[Edit: Changed ride from Saturday to Sunday (3/24).]
Bring your running shoes in case you want to add a brick run!
IMPORTANT: Non-members are welcome, but they MUST sign a waiver before riding with the group. See Bob Gamble, John Mercer, or Matt Olson to sign a waiver.
Speed bumps have been installed on Corn Creek Road – be mindful of them – pass them on the shoulder of the road, not the center; the road is open to vehicle traffic.
When passing someone, pass only on the left and announce that you are passing before you get there! This is especially important with the speed bumps. Either ring a bell or announce, “On your left.”
The weather in this area will be windy and temperatures will be in the low to mid-forties. Prepare for the temps and exercise extra caution in the wind, especially in your aero position.
This is a public road open to traffic, and its main purpose is access to the Desert National Wildlife Center; obey traffic laws and be mindful of and courteous to drivers.
Please use the farthest parking spaces from the Visitor’s Center. Leave the ones closest to the center for folks visiting the Center.